Interactive Circles

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1.设定问题领域 The process begins with the Oversight Board determines the major areas of community concern for each district and citywide (ie. Housing, Green Spaces/ parks, Transportation, etc.). Then those determined areas become “issue areas” that determine what kinds of projects can be funded through that year’s process. Issue areas have the ability to change from year to year.
2.收集社区需求 During this phase, community members have an opportunity to share their hopes and concerns about their neighborhoods. This information about the community’s needs create a foundation for future stages of the participatory budgeting process.
3. Assemblies: Prioritize Needs
3. Prioritize Community Needs at Assemblies This step of the PB process brings neighbors together to discuss and prioritize the needs expressed by their communities. After a series of public gatherings, community members vote to determine which community needs they want to focus on during that year’s PB cycle.
4.收集社区需求的解决方案 This could be more meetings anchored by CEPs, or they could be surveys.
5. Assemblies: Prioritize Solutions
5. Prioritize Solutions at Assemblies In this phase, residents come together to share and discuss solutions that respond directly to the needs expressed by their communities. At the end of the phase, community members vote on the ideas they are most excited to see implemented.
6.制定提案 During this phase of the PB process, community engagement partners will work alongside the residents to develop full proposals on the solutions that received
7. Assemblies: Review & Vote On Proposals
7.审查提案并在大会上投票 Joint (between city and residents) presentations of top ~3 proposals from City reps/residents (30 minutes for so). Then, explanation of the upcoming voting process.

In the last stage of the PB cycle, residents vote to decide which proposals receive funding from the city.

Interactive Circles

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1.设定问题领域 参与式预算编制过程开始时,由社区领导的监督委员会为该年的周期选择重点领域。这些问题领域可能包括住房、绿地或交通等主题,是与每个街区的社区成员合作制定的。所选择的问题领域然后决定什么样的项目和计划可以通过该年的公共预算程序得到资助。
2.收集社区需求 在这个阶段,社区成员有机会提出他们社区的最大需求和他们对未来社区的希望。这些信息为参与式预算编制过程的未来阶段打下了基础,特别是需求优先排序和解决方案收集阶段。
3.需求集结 在参与式预算过程的这一步骤中,邻居们在公开会议上聚集在一起,讨论并优先考虑他们社区所表达的需求。这些会议或集会的目标是确定社区需求的优先次序,以便开始制定解决方案。
4.收集社区需求的解决方案 在这个阶段,居民根据参与式预算编制过程中早期讨论的需求提出解决方案。让社区成员提出他们自己的解决方案,可以确保项目和计划将以最了解社区的人的知识为中心。
5.确定解决方案的优先次序 在这个阶段,居民们聚集在一起,讨论邻居们提出的解决方案。通过参加公众集会,社区成员将有机会讨论各种解决方案的利弊,并最终确定他们希望看到的解决方案的优先次序。
6.制定提案 在这个阶段,参与式预算编制办公室将通过社区大会制定的解决方案转化为成熟的提案,然后由社区成员进行投票。
7. Assemblies: Review & Vote On Proposals
7.审查提案并在大会上投票 在城市规划进程的最后阶段,参与者对他们希望在其社区实施的建议进行投票。获得最多选票的建议具有约束力,并将由市政府实施。