Together, we can create a better budget for Boston.
The City of Boston decides how 4 billion dollars will be spent every year. Our budget should reflect the voices and needs of all residents.
With you, we can transform Boston’s budget so that it’s equitable, transparent, and democratic.

Why Participatory Budgeting?

An opportunity for everyday people to directly decide on how to spend part of Boston’s budget.
A means of redistributing resources toward working-class, BIPOC communities in Boston.
It includes the voices of people who are excluded from electoral politics (such as undocumented, incarcerated, and younger residents).
A place for neighbors to deliberate about the needs in our communities and shape our collective future.

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two people sitting down amongst other people more out of focus in the background, holding up green cards as part of the voting process at BPP Assembly 2019

Support Participatory Budgeting

three people wearing the same shirt standing together, one person pointing, the other two laughing together in joy at the BPP Assembly in 2019

Donate to the grassroots Better Budget Alliance. Help us organize and ensure that participatory budgeting is inclusive, just, and democratic.

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