Quem é a Better Budget Alliance?
A Better Budget Alliance inclui:
Families for Justice as Healing, Right to the City Boston, Boston Ujima Project, Asian American Resource Workshop (AARW), New England United For Justice (NEU4J), Boston Teachers Union (BTU), UFCW Local 1445, Fenway Community Development Corporation, Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative (DSNI), Youth Justice and Power Union (YJPU), Fields Corner Crossroads Collaborative, Chinese Progressive Association (CPA), Allston Brighton Health Collaborative, City Life/Vida Urbana (CLVU), Resource Generation, MassVOTE, Mass Voter Table, MA Solidarity Economy Network, Neighbors United for a Better East Boston (NUBE), JP Progressives, LivableStreets Alliance, Maverick Landing Community Service, Pilot Action Group, Boston Cyclists Union, Union Capital Boston, Mutual Aid Eastie, All Dorchester Sports and Leadership, East Boston Climate Action, Reclaim Roxbury, I Have a Future Boston, True Alliance, Boston Jobs Coalition, St. Stephen’s Youth Programs and we’re growing!
Se sua organização gostaria de fazer parte de nossa coalizão, saiba mais sobre tornar-se um parceiro.
Membros do Comitê de Direção da BBA
Website e Contribuidores de Conteúdo
Website construído por Codificação Sawyer. Algumas imagens por Lauren Miller e Alex Ponte-Capellan.